Jack Snipe 180

December 18, 2022 at 8:38 pm

There is no doubt that the most illusive winter visitor to the Pennines is the Jack Snipe. Most people will never see one but I like the ultimate challenge. In the last two winters I have encountered 179 – all have flown off at close quarters and have provided me with no photos. All that was to change last Sunday when, in perfect conditions(Minus8C), I located a Jack Snipe, that froze, along a Pennine stream. I had plenty of time to take all the photos I needed and then go home for lunch.
I was intrigued to know whether it would move during the day so two hours later I returned and took some more photos – it had moved less than an inch!
We both felt elated – me because I had a camera full of images and the Jack Snipe because it thought I had not seen it!! www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife