April 24, 2022 at 3:29 pm

Whenever you film local Dippers you risk your photos being ruined by human activities such as fly-tipping. This was the case last week when the Dippers that I was filming insisted on perching on dumped tyres that had been discarded in the stream. Despite this they make superb subjects and would thankfully, occasionally perch on a more photogenic stone- see Gallery. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife
April 17, 2022 at 6:42 pm
Of all the plants in the garden the Teasel is one of the best to grow from a bird-lovers point of view. Its seeds are loved by Goldfinches and if you are lucky Redpolls may also pay you a visit. This weeks Gallery photos were all taken in our small garden last week. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife
April 10, 2022 at 6:54 pm
My favourite filming in Spring is filming Long Tailed Tits as they return to their nests with feathers. It normally happens in March but this year we are several weeks later. I normally have many pairs to choose from but this year I have found only one nest ready for lining. White feathers are their favourites as you will see in the Gallery photos. www.facebook.com/gordonyateswildlife